Plant type:
Corn. Control was planted 2 days earlier.
Materials used:
1) Control, no biochar.
2) Biochar and compost in a proprietary method;
The method is currently called “Method 5” and conducted with corn. It is a surface application with biochar and compost put in a definite way. In the heat of the summer, the Method 5 area temp stayed much cooler at 3 inches of depth. Seeds germinated at the surface and grew vigorously through September and October. Through November the temperature inside the Method 5 area has averaged 3 F warmer than the soil next to it. Later, the soil froze solid and we could not get the temperature probe to penetrate. On that day the Method 5 area temp was still 34 F. It has since declined to 33 F the day thereafter.
Spokane, Washington.
Image 1: Method 5 with corn.
Image 2: Smallest plants.
Image 3: Largest plants
The root balls tell the story. These were dried for 1 week then washed all in the same manner. Some of the root balls from the Method 5 were very dense.
· Total for the Method 5 is 12 .65 lbs. there are 19 stalks = .666 lbs. per stalk average.
· The total for the control is 14.48 lbs. there are 43 stalks = .337 lbs. per stalk average
· The average Method 5 stalk is 197% of the average control stalk.
· The total weight of the ears was.233 lbs./ear, for the control .139 lbs./ear
The Method 5 corn ears are 168% more in weight on average compared to control.
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